How we can help
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We have information about our services and ways we can help available in 34 different languages.
Help at court
Our duty lawyers can help you at courts and tribunals across Victoria.
Support if you are deaf or find it hard to hear or speak on the phone
Ways to contact us include the National Relay Service, TTY and our live Legal Help Chat.

Information about relationship breakdown, parenting and children, and sex and the law.

Publications and resources
Download or order our free fact sheets, booklets and educational resources to help people work out their legal problems.

Legal words
Learn about some common legal words you may find on our website or in court.
Featured news
Going backwards on bail laws will harm the state’s most marginalised people
We are deeply concerned about the impact of proposed changes to bail laws.
More advocacy and support for families navigating the child protection system
The state-wide expansion of Independent Family Advocacy and Support means more parents and primary carers will get the help they need.
New resources to support better bail applications
Co-produced with the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, we have created new resources to assist criminal law practitioners understand the latest provisions of the Bail Act 1977 (Vic).